Background. Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the virus associated with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) causing a pandemic worldwide in 2020. There are other noninfectious diseases that can present exactly as COVID-19, and the management and approach are completely different, hence the importance of understanding and having a wide differential in patients presenting with similar characteristics. Case Report. A 23-year-old male, with a history of childhood asthma, presented to the Emergency Department in a hospital in south Florida in the USA with complaints of a 2-day duration of subjective fever, chills, dry cough, dyspnea, and myalgia. His vital signs were blood pressure 135/65 mmHg, temperature 39°C, pulse 134 bpm, respiratory rate 22 breaths per minute, and saturation of oxygen 96% in room air. Laboratory analysis was significant for white blood cells 15:3 × 103/μL, ALT 69 U/L, AST 66 U/L, ferritin 375.6 ng/mL, C-reactive protein 27.70 mg/dL, and procalcitonin 1.43 ng/mL. A respiratory pathogen panel (RPP) and a SARS-CoV-2 test were both negative. The patient was given empiric antibiotic treatment and hydroxychloroquine. Two more tests for SARS-CoV-2 were negative, and the patient reported that he smoked marijuana through an e-cigarette. The patient was started on high-dose steroids, and symptoms improved. Conclusion. COVID-19 is an emergent lung disease that is affecting the population worldwide; many other noninfectious diseases can mimic its presentations and laboratory characteristics; the importance of having a broad differential diagnosis especially in causing confusion during pandemic times is valuable in the management of patients with such presentations, such as EVALI, and glucocorticoids will be indicated in this circumstances.